Our Small Groups and Individual Ministries
offer diverse exploration
Bone Builders: is a free, ongoing program open to all those with concerns about osteoporosis. When followed diligently, the Bone Builders program and exercises can help the body to increase bone density and reverse the effects of osteoporosis.
Meets Monday & Wednesday 11:00 am.
Sangha Circle: Our time is structured to focus on book discussions. We seek to expand our spiritual life by having open discussions over the issues presented. We take the time to delve deeply into the book and relate its message to our personal lives. Meditations allow us to integrate mind and body with the intent to achieving a state of calm serenity and letting go of issues we might be struggling with. We end with time for each person to share a personal issue that they would like to have feedback on.
Meets on Monday mornings at 10 am via Zoom.
Bible Study: We have tended to go at a slow reflective pace, hoping to gain new insights into the word of God. Our goal is not to cover big chunks of the Bible, but rather to dig deeply into issues we might otherwise overlook. Bible Studies are held seasonally, usually after Sunday worship, led by Pastor Jane. We hope you will join us! Check the calendar for details.
AL-ANON: We meet at 7 pm on Thursday via Zoom.