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All are welcome here!
This beautiful queen sized quilt, made and donated by Clem Levesque, is being raffled to help raise funds to repair our wonderful organ.
Tickets are $5 each, or 5 for $20.
The drawing will be Easter Sunday.
Please call the church
if you are interested in tickets.
Quilt Raffle!
to support our organ repair fund!

No matter who you are,
or where you are on life's journey,
you are welcome here.
We are an Open
and Affirming Congregation

Embodying God's powerful love
Welcoming all people,
with a vision and message of hope
Weaving deep relationships
with Jesus and each other
Working, praising and playing
in our towns and world.

always welcomes your cash contributions, but if you want to bring food instead,
they need non-perishable items such as hearty soups,
canned tuna, chicken, chili and canned ham. Visit
Slate Valley Cares
for a complete list.
Lent is a perfect time for us to help our neighbors!
Let's be generous! A basket for your contributions is in the foyer.
Thank you very much for your support.
Join us Fridays during Lent at 5 pm at the Poultney Methodist Church to view episodes of the video series "Chosen". A discussion will follow the viewing.
Please let Pastor Jane know if you plan to attend.
We'll read Give Up Something Bad for Lent by James W. Moore
Join us on Sunday March 23 after worship to discuss chapters 1, 2, and 3
Maundy Thursday: 5 pm
Foot Washing, Tenebrae
Good Friday: 6 pm
Seven Last Words of Christ
Ecumenical Sunrise Service: 6 am
in the Park,
followed by breakfast
in the church
Easter Service: 10 am
"God is still speaking!"
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